Plastic, glass and metal in unincorporated areas of Santa Rosa County are now being recycled again. For the last couple months all recyclables in the county went to the landfill as trash. Now Emerald Coast Utilities Authority has made an agreement with the county that allows recycling to start up again. Janice Knight of Navarre says she will recycle more now that her items will be processed. “Probably more cardboard. We haven’t been doing a lot of cardboard, we have been putting it in the trash, but I am sure they could use that too as a recyclable,” Knight said. Navarre resident Michael Flanders says he has saved his recyclables. “While this was going on I have a lot of plastic containers and stuff like that. I actually have them in my shed because I didn’t want to turn them in because I was afraid they would get thrown away. So I actually have a lot of stuff out back that is just waiting to be turned in.” Flanders says he would like the drop off site in his neighborhood returned. “For some of the bigger items, we have the small bin but it would nice to take those items back there again.” There will be two drop off sites. One is at the Central Landfill and the other is at the Jay Transfer Station. There you can take larger items like cardboard boxes. The county says at this time, there are no plans to open other sites due to illegal dumping, making the items unmarketable.
Updated: Tuesday, July 8 2014, 12:09 PM CDT